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Club Round Up: 22nd - 28th January 2024

29th January 2024

By Surbiton HC

It's been a big week of hockey for our senior teams, with midweek games and double headers as well as the usual packed weekend of fixtures.

It was a successful week of results for the club, with some big numbers in the 'goals scored' column!

Well done to our Men's 5s, who beat Merton 1s 3-0 in Saturday's 'Game of the Week'.

Two teams of Back 2 Hockey players also took to the field on Saturday afternoon in their first game in 11-aside format. This was a great success and enjoyed by everyone who took part.

Congratulations also to our Women's 1s who made the final of the Premier Division Super 6s Indoor competition after a fantastic victory over Buckingham in the semi final. It wasn't to be in the final itself, which the W1 lost to EG - but a silver medal caps off a fine indoor campaign ahead of the resumption of outdoor Premier Division matches in less than a fortnight.

Scroll down for all last week's results and stats!

Weekend (Outdoor) Stats

  • 22 games played (14 wins, 3 draws, 5 defeats)
  • 64 goals scored
  • 41 goals conceded

Match Reports

More match reports will be added from last weekend as they come in! Please send your team's report to to feature on the club website and weekly newsletter.