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Senior Open Pre Season Sessions Start Tuesday 9th August

8th August 2022

By Surbiton HC

Adult players are welcome to join us for 4 weeks of open pre season sessions, starting on Tuesday 9th August.

What are the dates & timings?

7.30 - 9.30pm on Tuesday 9th, Tuesday 16th, Tuesday 23rd & Tuesday 30th August.

What's the session format?

Mixed hockey & fitness for over 18s to help you get ready for the new season.

Who is coaching?

Nathan from Higher Level Performance will lead fitness elements, with Tarek & Fred coaching the hockey.

What does it cost?

It's FREE to attend. Sessions are also open to non members considering joining SHC for the 2022/23 season.

Any questions?

Email Will on if you have any other queries.

See you there!