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Sparks 8 - 0 Old Kingstonian 1s (A)

26th September 2023

By Lisa Clarka

“Shiny New Toy Syndrome”

Like all new things, the Sparks team was shining bright like a diamond – sparkling with fresh faces, and some older ones for character.

It started off with a rapid get to know you session, from first names to playing techniques, positions and corner capabilities. With the manual read and the batteries in, there was no stopping us. Scalextrics eat your heart out, we were on turbo charge. From great passing to magnificent movement, the goals were racking up like a penny to a slot machine.

With a full season ahead we best not catch the shiny new toy syndrome and put in the hard yards. Next weekend’s derby will be pulling in the crowds… best re-read that manual and go again.


  • Passing: 10
  • Getting names wrong: 3
  • Movement: 10
  • CCA* : 4
  • Goals: 8
  • Cost: priceless

*Clumsy clown antics. Mainly linked to me

POM: Sunny

DOD: Lisa