Ladies 5s Storm to 9-0 win
By Amber Halsall
Ladies 5s 9 – 0 Wanderers 3s
We began our match on a surface best described as a sandy beach. So although I didn’t go away this summer I got my own ‘holiday’ on the Streatham and Clapham pitch. We started the game strongly with balls flying into the goal left, right and centre, leaving the opposition stunned. Helen scored an amazing goal by hitting the ball in the top right-hand corner whilst our forwards: Rosina, Gracie and Evie drove the ball into the D.
At half time we had already scored four goals with both Rosina and Helen on the trajectory for hat tricks. Even our halfbacks were driving the ball up the sidelines and into the D. We were on fire. At half time Billy challenged us to score five more goals to beat our first half.
We took that challenge head on. Our zonal press was finally working. Everything was falling into place and the opposition were falling apart. Both Rosina and Helen scored hat tricks with Evie, Gracie and Emily also scoring. We let the opposition have a few breakaways but with the help of Marlijn and our full backs we defended the ball out of our goal. We ended the match winning 9-0, knackered and ready for match teas. Overall, we had a cracking game and everyone on the 5s should be proud of their role on the pitch.
POM: Helen for her amazing goals (and hat trick!)
DOD: Yours truly… again