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Play Day & Fun Day This Weekend

27th August 2024

By Surbiton HC

We are all set for an epic weekend with the club's annual Play Day and Fun Day for new and returning members at SHC!

You can read more details on what to expect on each day below.

Impact Gumshields will be running fittings in the clubhouse on both days (Play Day timings: Saturday 12-3pm; Fun Day timings: Sunday 10am-1pm). If you'd like to book a slot for a gumshield fitting for the new season please click here to register in advance

SATURDAY 31st AUGUST: Play Day - Adults & U18 Age Group Players

Registration is at 12:30pm. Hockey (probably small sided games) will take place from 1-3pm. Men & Women will play separately but at the same time.

The vibe is enjoy your hockey, socialise & play (we promise it won’t be two solid hours of hockey!). We will have plenty of coaches assessing to help allocate people to teams of the right level for next season.

There’s also the chance to support the elite teams in pre-season action with the W1 in a repeat of last season’s League Final against Hampstead & Westminster at 3pm and the M1 playing visiting n. Irish side Banbridge HC (who will also be looking to get their season off to a flying start before heading back to SHC to play in the EHL in October) at 6pm.

The bar will be open throughout with Clubhouse Pizzas and Tea Hut fare to keep you fuelled!

SUNDAY 1st SEPTEMBER: Fun Day - Juniors from U8-U18

Join us on Sunday, to welcome new and returning junior members, siblings and parents to the 2024/25 season. 

We have lots of fun lined up. Meet your coaches and play with some of our first team stars plus off pitch activities including bouncy castle and ice cream van.

We encourage juniors to stay on and support the Men’s first team who are playing visiting Irish champions, Banbridge HC, at 12:30pm. There will be a special children’s interactive event at half time that you can join.

The bar and tea hut will be open, and we have Clubhouse Pizzas (VERY popular at the Mizuno Cup last weekend) and BBQ chicken / veggie fajitas on sale. 

Come along and join in the fun!