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Online Workshop for Parents: A Guide to S&C

21st January 2021

By Surbiton HC

Seen all the online S&C sessions we are offering and what to know more? Learn about what strength & conditioning really is and why your child or athletes need it in their lives by attending this free online workshop with Nathan Bell.

A Guide to Strength & Conditioning: Free Online Workshop for Parents & Coaches

About this Event

You may have heard the phrase 'Strength & Conditioning' thrown about in recent years, but do you really know what strength and conditioning is? You may think it is fitness training for high level athletes, not something for children or the every day individual... wrong!

Strength & Conditioning should be a fundamental part of our lives from as early as possible. S&C isn't just about trying to create the next Cristiano Ronaldo or Rafael Nadal, it is about providing our youth with physical literacy and teaching life skills.

With natural play amongst the youth decreasing year on year and being traded in for the latest apps like Tik Tok and Instagram, young people are moving less and less. You can be certain that something has got to change! 

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What is S&C
  • How is S&C applicable to the younger generation
  • What age should your child begin S&C
  • What are key considerations to be aware of?

If you can't make it on the day, sign up using the link above to receive a recording of the workshop to watch at your convenience.