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End of 2020/21 Season: Message to Members

21st May 2021

On Behalf of the SHC Board

A message to all SHC members from the SHC Board:

Dear Members

With the final senior team games taking place tomorrow, we have reached the end of the extended 2020/21 ‘regular' season. 

Every player and every team at SHC has been affected by the pandemic, but in many ways the events of the last year have brought out the best of club hockey - and the best of Surbiton.

Thank you to you all for the support you’ve given the club and each other, for working within the guidelines as they have evolved and for the club spirit shown throughout. While it has been a long way from a normal season, we have been delighted to see everyone back on the pitch for training and games over recent weeks. The return of match teas and the incredible work from our clubhouse and 'behind the scenes’ teams has helped to create a real buzz around the club once again.

Senior Summer Leagues and Colts Summer Programme have kicked off this week. We are already looking forward to a fantastic 2021/22 season, starting with Play Day Weekend on Saturday 5th (seniors) and Sunday 6th September (juniors).

Best wishes to all for a great summer!

On behalf of the SHC Board