Go Greener, Save Money & Help SHC with 'Bulb'
By Surbiton HC
SHC is going greener... and you could save on your energy bills too!
In an effort to go greener and save money on our £25k annual electricity bill, SHC have recently moved electricity supplier to Bulb Energy. Bulb is the UK’s largest green supplier providing 100% renewable electricity from solar, wind and hydro. Bulb has one tariff, it's one of the lowest on the market (renewable or not), and they don’t charge exit fees - that’s how confident they are in their offering.
We have now also been approved as a Bulb affiliate, so for every member signing up to Bulb through our link below, the club will receive £40.
For every 100 of our members who switch, we will receive £4,000 which we will then use to fund additional efficiency initiatives such as replacing LED lights in the clubhouse, energy and water saving devices, and in time LED flood lights.
The more money we raise and save from being more efficient, the less money we have to raise directly from members!
So if you want to help the planet, help your pocket and help your hockey club, please use this link to switch to Bulb: https://bulb.sjv.io/qKO7j