Last Weekend's Player of the Match Awards
Last weekend's Player of the Match Awards and nominations...
Whole Club Player of the Match (Adults)
Ladies 2s - Maddie L (Colt)
Ladies 3s - Elani S (Colt)
Ladies 4s - Liv M (Colt)
Ladies 5s - Charlie Ambridge
Ladies 6s - Freya S (Colt)
Ladies 7s - Ellie Vickery (Colt)
Ladies 8s - Sophie D (Colt)
Sirens - Hayley Bouchard & Victoria Wiesener
Men’s 2s - Mark Haycroft & Ollie S (Colt)
Men’s 3s - Ed Miller
Men’s 3A’s - Jamie Taylor
Men’s 6s - Steven Todd
Sparticans - Simon Fitch
Cobras - Andy Little
Mongooses - James Evans
Magnets - Rob Stone
WINNER: Ellie Vickery - Ladies 7s
Thanks to Russell-Cooke for sponsoring this award
Whole Club Player of the Match (Colts)
This week’s winner: Dan R (Boys U16 Seals)
Thanks to Bathroom Eleven for sponsoring this award
L1s & M1s Player of the Match (home games only)
Ladies 1s - Emily G (Colt)
Thank you to Wags n Tales for sponsoring this award