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Sirens 2 - 2 Teddington 7s (H)

11th December 2023

By Tracey House

The rain cleared and the Sirens were ready to take the pitch again. Injuries and illness meant 13 players stepped on the pitch for a middle of the table clash. The Sirens started brightly with some good movement and passing but Teddington took the early lead after 13 minutes.

It was great to have Phoebe in goal and she made some great saves. Sirens quickly moved up the field with positive passing, and Jo was there to get the equalizer. A few of the opposition questioned the umpiring decisions but Dave soon put them right! The defence worked hard with no subs and the mids and forwards pressed hard into the D. Our defence was broken at 27 minutes and Teddington took the lead again.

Half time focused on positioning, being aware of their strong players, using the wings and jelly babies.

We were down to 12 players with an important carol service to attend for one player. But the Sirens are strong, resolute and tough. They worked together, ran hard and played hard. 15 minutes later Jo had the ball in the D and she passed to Anna who scored. We were level again. Another injury and an asthma attack didn’t stop Sirens from continuing to attack and in the last 30 seconds Anna was on the post but it wasn’t to be.

It was a well fought 2-2 draw. Some played the whole game with no break, some played out of position but the team worked as a tight unit and worked for each other. So proud of the Sirens.

Thanks to Dave and Richard for umpiring. 
Scorers: Jo and Anna
POM: Tessa