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Tough Game Against TD&H for Ladies 5s

8th November 2021

By Simran Palmer

Ladies 5s 0 – 4 Tulse Hill & Dulwich 2s

The match had a bumpy start with the opposition (Tulse Hill & Dulwich 2) dominating the pitch and scoring two goals. The first goal was the result of a short corner (the first of three defending shorts for Surbiton), and the second a reverse hit from the left side of the D.

Surbiton Ladies 5s played stronger as a team towards the end of the first half and the start of the second, with Evie’s constant driving down the wing earning her Man of The Match!

Surbiton had four attacking short corners overall – unfortunately none resulted in a goal, but the team's morale stayed consistent throughout the game. Tulse Hill & Dulwich scored for the third time in the second half and two of Surbiton’s players endured painful injuries. Towards the end of this half Simran deflected the ball into the goal…regretfully it was the opposition’s, leaving the final the score as 4-0 to Tulse Hill & Dulwich.

POM: Evie Flynn
DOD: Simran Palmer

Sending all our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Ruth.