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Hatch's Hat Trick Earns Ladies 6s 3-3 Draw


9th March 2020

By Marlijn de Jong

Ladies 6s 3 – 3 Leatherhead L1

The first home game of ‪this Saturday was ours and we were raring to go. We needed a win to get to the top of the table! Sinead led another superb warm up and it showed: perfect passing all round and terrific transfers at the back; immediately creating lots of space for passes up the line and for switching play across the pitch.

Sadly Leatherhead used their first opportunity and deflected a ball into goal. We didn’t let it get us down and with some more fantastic passing, Ellie found herself at the p-spot and deflected a pass under a diving goalkeeper to make it 1-1.

The game heated up, but good pressure gave us more chances. Sadly our short corners weren’t working as well as they should, repeatedly breaking down before we had a chance to strike. Thankfully Fee provided entertainment by becoming the target of an invisible sniper “He came out of nowhere and vanished!”

Over to Robin for the half time talk: put pressure on their free hits and organise the defence for their counters.

The halftime tips were working but Leatherhead had their sights set on another goal. They got a chance from a short corner. Our no1 runner Giselle was focused. Too focused. Surprising the striker with her speed, she shouldered her to the ground. A crunching noise from the Leatherhead player’s jaw, a sharp whistle and the umpire signalling for a p-flick. Following a short, but intense staring competition, Leatherhead put the ball in the top left corner. I was close... so close! Not close enough... 1-2.

We had time to get back though. Within minutes, Ellie took her revenge by coldly slotting the ball into goal during a short corner scramble.

We were all over Leatherhead, making them run, not giving them space. Evie had some fantastic runs up the sideline, finding an extra gear when everyone else was tiring. With only minutes to go, a wayward pass across the back was intercepted by the Leatherhead striker. Her hit bounced back off the post. Alex came sliding in to stop Leatherhead putting it in, but it wasn’t to be. 3-2 

The pressure was really on now. We needed a win, but a draw would do. Time was ticking! Thankfully, we had Ellie. Fee must have felt she had a hat trick in her, because she passed the ball in front of goal and Ellie slapped it in. The whistle blew, full time. Final score 3-3. 

POM Ellie for the hat trick
DOD Marlijn for drinking wine on a Friday night