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Junior Summer Programme 2025


Registrations for this year's Summer Programme will open soon.

Please see below for more details about what the Summer Programme is, who it's for and timetables/prices.

When will this year's programme run?
Monday 5th May to Friday 4th July (excluding May Half Term: Sunday 25th May - Friday 30th May)

Who can attend?

  • All abilities are welcome.  
  • Players will be grouped and coached with similar ability players.
  • The programme is open to members and non-members. (Current non-members of SHC will have a temporary summer term membership).

Age Groups
Please note you should register for your current 2024/25 age group, not the age group you will be going into September. Sometimes our coaching team selects children to train up an age group in the summer term - if this is the case, they will inform you and move you into the relevant age group if timings are suitable.

Please view the 2025 timetable for prices

This Year’s Programme:

  • U8: choose one or two session per week packages
    • All sessions will follow a similar structure and will cover a range of technical skills and small sided gameplay. Our aim for the U8s is to make the sessions as fun as possible while learning at the same time. We want the players to gain confidence in possession of the ball and be able to move with control. 
  • U10 - U14: choose one or two session per week packages
    • Midweek Session – A focus on technical development where our coaches will look to help the players learn and improve the skills needed to be an effective hockey player. Sessions will look at core skills such as passing and receiving techniques, hitting on both forehand and reverse stick hitting and others while putting them into a context that is usable in game scenarios.
    • Sunday Gametime – Just game play in a 5v5 situation with input on the positioning both in and out of possession of the ball and encouragement to try out the techniques worked on mid-week.
    • **U14s wishing to attend Top Hockey should select that option rather than the regular U14 sessions**
    • U14s do not have a 'Sunday only' options
  • U14 Top Hockey
    • Comprises of alternating pitch sessions and educational sessions (in the clubhouse or on Zoom) plus weeknight age group training sessions.
    • A unique opportunity for U14 players to enrich their hockey and holistic development as an athlete. Combining bespoke technical on-pitch sessions and a range of off-pitch classroom sessions the Top Hockey programme aims to be the leading programme in the country for U14 players to fulfil their complete potential. Open to players of all abilities who want to get better. The Top Hockey programme was first launched in September 2023 with great success in the main season. This bespoke summer offering utilises key insights and learnings from this, focusing on being a game-changer in the on-pitch sessions and key elements of being an all-round athlete in the off-pitch sessions.  
    • Technical on-pitch sessions covering techniques to be a game-changing player who can pass long and score goals...
      • Hitting
      • Reverse Hitting
      • Slapping
      • Aerials
    • Off-pitch sessions covering the essentials of being a top all-round athlete in the modern game...
      • Insight into a junior international environment
      • Nutrition
      • Academic and time management
      • Tactical Understanding
    • The programme is designed to complement and enhance content players receive in other SHC training, as well as stretch them in new ways
  • Goalkeepers
    • Refer to timetable and table of prices / U10-12 - attend dedicated GK session on Thursday and regular session with age group

Please view the 2025 timetable for prices

U16/U18 Programme - option 1

  • For U16/18 players we offer the choice of 16 or 12 sessions over the summer programme. Both will be midweek evenings (see timetable for dates). Open to players of all abilities who want to get better. This bespoke summer offering utilises key insights and learnings from this, focusing on developing the technical skills needed to succeed on the pitch.

  • Technical on-pitch sessions covering techniques to be a game-changing player who can pass long and score goals…
    • Hitting
    • Reverse Hitting
    • Slapping
    • Aerials
  • Gameplay will be done in either 3v3, 5v5 or 7v7 matches where the focus will be on positioning and linking with other players as well as using the technical skills in context.

U16/18 – Summer Social 7s

  • For those just looking to blow off some steam after long revision sessions we will be hosting a Social Summer League open to all players. Sign up as an individual (and we will allocate you a team) or with a team ready to go. Matches will be on 1/3 of pitch, 20 mins each way and 6 v 6 (inc GKs).


  • Refer to timetable and table of prices / U14-U18 - attend dedicated GK session on Wednesday and regular session with age group

Please note:

  1. Registrations for the 2025 programme will be subject to a closing date
  2. Fees will not be pro-rated
  3. No refunds (except for exceptional circumstances, where a £5 cancellation fee per transaction will still apply)
  4. There are no sibling discounts for summer hockey
  5. Payment is required at the time of booking to secure a place

Please follow this process once the Summer Programme is open for bookings!


  • Before you start, you must ensure your Teamo app is up to date!
  • Please navigate to the Payments section in Teamo to find the sessions that apply to each child’s age group (please refer to the attachments on this email when choosing sessions).
    • Select the session/s you would like
    • Make payment.
    • Places are not guaranteed until payment is made.


Register on our website >> click JOIN US (top right) >> Complete registration form >> choose 'Juniors Summer 2025 Programme' and your current age group. 

  • Scroll down to choose the concession you would prefer.
  • View our registration guide for non-members

Please contact for any queries about the programme and Gill Griffiths on with questions about fees or payments