SHC Umpire Development:
November 2021 News
By Surbiton HC
Our Umpire Development team is working really hard to create a vibrant community for volunteer umpires at SHC.
Find out more about our Umpire Development Programme
November 2021 news from the SHC Umpiring team…
We’re on track to cover over 150 umpire appointments for the 2021/22 season before the end of November! We’ve had more than 40 people umpiring games with more new volunteers helping out every week. Thank you!
Look out for the superstars who whistled a weekend game in the SHC Weekly Newsletter and in the Results Round Up published every Monday on the club website.
Congratulations to Craig Schultz & Evie Flynn who have both successfully completed their England Hockey Level One Umpire assessments this month!
Andy Parker ran a well-attended practical course for L1 Umpire Development in mid November, providing current or prospective Level One umpires with a great opportunity to learn more and ask questions. Look out for more dates in early 2022!
Ian Wyatt and Simon Aldous also ran a Sunday morning drop in session to give umpires a chance to ask questions or have an informal chat about all things umpiring.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about volunteering as an umpire or developing your skills with the whistle, please contact Ian Wyatt
Visit our dedicated Umpiring page on the club website