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Level One Umpiring Courses -
Your Club Needs You

22nd September 2020

By Ian Wyatt

We are planning to run Level One umpiring courses at the club in November.

The numbers on each course may be reduced from usual but we believe the course can be made COVID compliant with careful planning and sensible use off our indoor and outdoor facilities.

As always, we need umpires for senior and junior games so please consider taking the course and sharing the umpiring duties.

The course will run on a Sunday with theory and practical sessions led by Andy Parker, Surbiton’s highest qualified umpire. Successful candidates will then be Level One qualified (unassessed).

You should contact Ian Wyatt (, Karen Reeves, Jess Tallent or your captain to register your interest or if you have any questions. Ian will advise when the course is set up and how to register.

If there are delays due to COVID restrictions then we will keep your details and organise courses to run at a later date.