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Last Weekend's Player of the Match Awards
(26th/27th October)


31st October 2019

Last weekend’s Player of the Match Awards and nominations...

Whole Club Player of the Match (Adults)

  • Ladies 1s - Eloise Stenner
  • Ladies 2s - Steph B (Colt)
  • Ladies 3s - Gemma T (Colt)
  • Sirens - Victoria Wiesener & Philippa Lynch
  • Men’s 1s – Ore Ogunlana
  • Men’s 2s - Max A (Colt) & Rhys Linnel
  • Men’s 3s - Matt Johns
  • Men’s 3A’s - Jamie Taylor
  • Men’s 4s - Jon Bowen
  • Men’s 5s - Dan H (Colt)
  • Men’s 6s - Ravvers
  • Sparticans - James Warren
  • Cobras - Harry G-W (Colt)
  • Mongooses - Connor (Colt)
  • Magnets - Team performance / no individual award

Thanks to Russell-Cooke for sponsoring this award


Whole Club Player of the Match (Colts)

WINNER: JACK L (BU12 Stingrays)
Thanks to Bathroom Eleven for sponsoring this award


Colts National Cup Games Player of the Match

WINNER: INDIA G (GU14 Tier 1 Cup)
Thank you to Aspire USA for sponsoring the award


Men’s 1s Player of the Match

Thanks to David Best for sponsoring this award