Annual Tony Smith Tournament:
December 15th
This year's annual Boys and Girls U13s tournament held in memory of former Colts Director Tony Smith will be held on Sunday 15th December.
This is an all day tournament and in 2019 we have 14 other clubs attending.
Raffle prizes announced!
Voucher for two at French Table, individual coaching session, places at SHC half term camp, beer/wine/chocolates, TK hockey stick, beauty vouchers
All proceeds are donated to the various charities the club supports – namely CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) in memory of Emma Broad – a former Colt who tragically succumbed to this syndrome; as well as the Ben Williams Trust – a young cricketer who was supported by the late Tony Smith and whose life was sadly cut short by cardiac related problems.
There will also be a Bake Sale over the course of the day to help to raise money for our charities. Cake donations are welcome! We are happy to receive shop bought or homemade items. If you are not attending the tournament, please leave cakes in a labelled container (Tony Smith) behind the bar from the Friday before the tournament.
Volunteers are also needed to help run the cake stall and to sell raffle tickets. Please email Liselle Carey if you can help.